Sketching workshops
The Objectives of a Sketching Workshop
- To quickly come up with a number of ideas from different perspectives.
Integrate the specific knowledge and intuitive understanding of stakeholders.
Generate discussion about why certain things should be included, or not.
Identify oversights, missing elements and unmet objectives, if any.
Take the best ideas from the group to inform a further refined vision.
Come away with a number of solid ideas to kick-start the wireframing stage.
- Everyone starts with 1 slide per round. There are normally 2 rounds, time permitting.
During each round participants have 15 minutes to put ideas down on paper using whatever medium they prefer (pencil, sharpie, crayons, tablet computers etc.).
At the end of each round, participants take photos of their sketches and upload them onto their slide (in a Google Slides deck).
(Note: participants may create additional slides as needed using the “Duplicate Slide” function.)After each round, each person presents their sketch(es) (in 2~3 minutes), explaining their choices and ideas. No questions may be asked during sketch presentations.
Following individual presentations, we open up the floor for discussion. Everyone is encouraged to objectively discuss what works well and/or doesn’t among the ideas presented.
After the second round, we will discuss what ideas are converging, and deliberate on next steps and any follow up activities.