Drupal 10 -> 11 Upgrades
Install the Drupal Upgrade Status module on your Drupal 10 site.
Run on a pantheon multidev to get an accurate hosting environment status.
Review status /admin/reports/upgrade-status
Update Drupal core to 10.3 (or the latest version of 10 at the time of upgrade)
Update your version of PHP to at least 8.3
Make sure your site is running on it
composer why-not php 8.3
to see if any packages need updates (only works if PHP 8.3 is a composer dependency in your composer.json). I recommend including it as a dev dependency and removing it after an upgrade.Deprecated modules
Actions UI, Activity Tracker, Book, Forum, Layout Builder Expose All Field Blocks, Statistics, Tour
Remove uninstalled incompatible modules and themes
Update contrib modules to their compatible latest versions and test the functionality. Some modules we may need to help review and release a Drupal 11 version.
Scan custom modules for deprecations and fix with Rector or manually
If the site is on Pantheon, update pantheon.yml with the correct version of PHP
Push your changes to the multidev, test the functionality, and ask PM and the client to test
Merge changes with Dev branch, and retest. Move them to test and test with the client
Schedule the deployment, make the backup, and deploy to live