Keeping Drupal Information Up-to-Date

Keeping Drupal Information Up-to-Date

CREATED 230706

First, if you find something incorrect on the wiki and can’t update it for whatever reason, please leave a comment, to flag it so someone can have a look at it.

Review practices

Our goal is to regularly review all non-deprecated pages in this section of the wiki to make sure that the content is useful and up to date. In order to facilitate this process there are a few common formats we use in marking things.

Status Badges

When a page is reviewed, we place a status badge at the top of the page, to allow for at-a-glance understanding of when the page was last reviewed, and what the status was as of that review. The two most common statuses will look like these:

Reviewed 230529 In-Progress 230529

The reviewed status means that the page was found to be up to date at the last review. The in-progress badge means that the review has not been completed when last worked on.

Review History.

At the bottom of each page, you should find a table like this one, that indicates a history of reviews, who did them, and what the status was.















Halfway-through updating

Deprecations and Drupal 7

We don’t want to just completely delete legacy information, but we want to make sure that its status is clear. We move Drupal 7 content into a Drupal 7 folder and add - Drupal 7 to the end of its page title. Finally, we add a note at the top of the page, similar to this one to let the reader know it is a Drupal 7 page, and provide any other useful information.

Drupal 7 The information below is most suited to Drupal 7. It may or not be applicable to later versions of Drupal

Beyond Drupal 7, Kalamuna has moved away from using Drupal distros.

In the case of information that no longer reflects how Kalamuna does things, or is in some other way out of date, we move content into the Deprecated Drupal Practices folder and add - DEPRECATED to the end of the page title. At the top of each page we add a note similar to the one below to make the status clear, and provide any further potentially useful information:


The information below is either outdated, or no longer considered best practice at Kalamuna.

The following are preferred...

Find a new guide on the current best practice at https://kalamuna.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/KALA/pages/592674817


Review History













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