Pantheon Guide for WordPress

This is an in-process placeholder for setting up WordPress with KalaPress on Pantheon.

Setting up a new site

  1. Log in to Pantheon and make sure you are in the Kalamuna space and not your personal one.

  2. Click “Create New Site“:

  3. Under “What Kind of Site” choose “WordPress”:

  4. Name the site (note what the URL will look like), set the Region appropriate to the client location, and make sure you’re setting it up in the Kalamuna Workspace:

  5. Click the “Agree” button to have it listed in the Kalamuna billing space and click “Confirm”. It will take a while to deploy the CMS.

  6. Once the Pantheon environment is complete, click “Visit your environment dashboard”.

  7. Change Development Mode to GIT:

  8. Either create a new GitHub repo for the project, or edit an existing one, and go to Settings -> Secrets and Variables -> Actions, then click the tab for Variables:

    If you don’t have the ability to add or edit Variables in the GitHub repository, contact the Kalamuna Tech team lead for DevOps to either make the change or grant you access to do so.

  9. You should see a variable for DEPLOY_REPO. If not, create one. To get the Value, go to the Pantheon Dashboard and click "Connection Info". In the SSH Clone URL field, copy everything after "git clone", starting with ssh://

  10. Paste the ssh:// code into the DEPLOY_REPO variable and save.

  11. The GitHub repo will now deploy to Pantheon whenever a push is made to the master branch.

See for more information about GitHub actions.


Pantheon’s multidev service lets you spin up a new version of the main site but based on a specific branch. Note that the branch name must be lowercase.

  1. Create and commit a branch, we’ll use sandbox as an example.

  2. Go to the main Pantheon dashboard for the site and click on the “Multidev” tab. You should see an option for “Git Branches”, and it will show every branch that’s been committed:


  3. Click the “Create Environment” button.

  4. In the popup, choose whichever current environment you want to clone as the base of the new site:


  5. Once the files and database are copied, you’ll be able to choose it from the Multidev list: