Setup Axe Linter on GitHub

Setup Axe Linter on GitHub

Axe Linter is an accessibility CI job that lints the code for accessibility errors once PR is created.

To read more about it go to the official documentation.

Once you are ready to setup navigate to this page and press “Configure” or “Install” button. If you see “Configure” button this means that linter is already in use for some of your repositories. You can update their settings or add new repositories to the mix.

You need to add read rights to Axe Linter for the repository you would like to lint.

After the rights are setup you need to configure linting rules for your project.

Create .github folder in the root of your repository.

Inside this folder add axe-linter.yml file.

Your configuration may look something like the following:

rules: some-rule: true # Enable this rule, irrespective of its tag other-rule: true # Disable this rule, irrispective of its tag tags: # Rule all rules for WCAG 2.0 and 2.1, level A and level AA - wcag21a - wcag21aa can_request_changes: false

For the full list of configuration please refer to the official GitHub documentation linked above.