Wordpress Ally

Wordpress Ally

The official WordPress.org Accessibility page: Accessibility


Accessibility Handbook: https://make.wordpress.org/accessibility/handbook/

WordPress Accessibility Team: https://make.wordpress.org/accessibility/

Accessibility Coding Standards: Accessibility Coding Standards – Coding Standards Handbook | Developer.WordPress.org

Accessible Themes:

Note: WordPress cannot guarantee that all Themes are compliant. Themes are reviewed by the theme team to ensure that they pass their basic accessibility requirements, but you should do your due diligence and do your own accessibility review as well.

Deque Wordpress Guide to Accessibility: https://www.deque.com/blog/wordpress-accessibility/

Kinsta Wordpress Guide to Accessibility: https://kinsta.com/blog/wordpress-accessibility/


Generally, Wordpress is like any other site a11y wise. A few things to consider for Wordpress are:

  • Consider educating those in control of the content strategy. The majority of Wordpress pages are editable blocks that should still adhere to a11y standards. Review the Site Editing Checklist [This page is a WIP] as a guide.

  • Forgo the trap of a11y plugins. Focus on creating a strong content strategy with a11y to begin with.

  • Use a starter built with a11y in mind:

    • KalaPress: https://github.com/kalamuna/kalapress-pro (KalaPress should be used as a starter theme for the majority of Kalamuna projects).

    • But if you’re looking for an alternative, use Underscores: Underscores it provides some basics like skip links out of the box!

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