Rebuilding distros - Drupal 7
Rebuilding distros - Drupal 7
drupal 7 230509
Drupal 7 The information below is most suited to Drupal 7. It may or not be applicable to later versions of Drupal
Beyond Drupal 7, Kalamuna has moved away from using Drupal distros.
You've got a distro, like Panopoly that you want to install the latest version of and test. How do you build a workflow around that?
First, in ~/.drush/drushrc.php I have the following parameters, so that every drush site-install command creates the same user 1 auth:
$command_specific['site-install'] = array(
'account-name' => 'root',
'account-pass' => 'mypassword',
'account-mail' => 'mallis@kalamuna.com',
'site-mail' => 'mallis@kalamuna.com',
'site-email' => 'mallis@kalamuna.com' // D6
Here's the full sequence of events to set up a distro staging ground
# clone the repo
mkdir panopoly git clone --branch 7.x-1.x http://git.drupal.org/project/panopoly.git panopoly-build
cd ./panopoly/panopoly-build
# update profile and makefile to latest release
git pull
# create a new database
mysqladmin -u username -p create drupal7_panopoly
# if updating, must move the existing stack out of the way, as per https://drupal.org/node/1673676
mv ../dev.panopoly.local ../dev.panopoly.bak
# build the stack with drush make, checking out each project from git
drush make --working-copy build-panopoly.make ../dev.panopoly.local
cd ../dev.panopoly.local
# install Drupal using the Panopoly install profile into the new DB
drush site-install -y panopoly --site-name="Panopoly Dev" --db-url=mysql://username:password@localhost/drupal7_panopoly
# install bootstrap
mkdir sites/all/libraries/ && cd sites/all/libraries/
# download boostrap 2
# wget http://getbootstrap.com/2.3.2/assets/bootstrap.zip
# or download boostrap 3
wget http://twitter.github.io/bootstrap/assets/bootstrap.zip .
unzip bootstrap.zip && rm bootstrap.zip
cd ../../../
# download whatever else you need
drush dl kalatheme-7.x-3.x-dev
drush dl diff
# enable stuff
drush -y en diff kalatheme
drush vset theme_default kalatheme
In my ~/.bash_aliases, I have this shortcut to rebuild the whole thing in one command:
alias godistros='cd /path/to/my/shizz/'
alias rebuildpanopoly='godistros; cd panopoly/panopoly-build; git pull; mv ../dev.panopoly.local ../dev.panopoly.bak; drush make --working-copy build-panopoly.make ../dev.panopoly.local; cd ../dev.panopoly.local; drush site-install -y panopoly --site-name="Panopoly Dev" --db-url=mysql://user:pass@localhost/drupal7_panopoly; drush dl diff; drush -y en diff; drush dl kalatheme-7.x-1.x-dev --package-handler=git_drupalorg; mkdir sites/all/libraries/; cd sites/all/libraries/; wget http://getbootstrap.com/2.3.2/assets/bootstrap.zip; unzip bootstrap.zip; rm bootstrap.zip; drush vset theme_default kalatheme'
kinda dirty; proper shell script forthcoming…
Review History
Who | When | Status |
Bob | 20230509 | Drupal 7 |