Coding Standards

Coding Standards

An overview of coding standards that we adopt at Kalamuna across a number of different platforms and languages. This also covers recommending linting strategies to ensure the standards are met.


For all code that lives in the Drupal ecosystem, like PHP code that appears within Drupal modules, CSS or Twig code that appears in Drupal themes, we adopt the Drupal coding standards:



For all code that applies to the WordPress ecosystem, we adopt the WordPress Coding Standards.


For PHP code that lives outside the WordPress or Drupal ecosystem, we adopt PSR-12: Extended Coding Style for coding standards at Kalamuna. PSR-12 is a general coding style guide that has been adopted by many players in the PHP world.



For JavaScript and Node.js code, we tend to adopt the the XO coding standards with two additions…

  • Tabs, instead of spaces

  • Semicolons: None


  • XO

    • npm install xo --save-dev

    • "scripts": { "xo": "xo --no-semicolon ." },
    • npm run xo


For general CSS code, we tend to adopt the Drupal CSS coding standards.
SCSS coding standards: SCSS coding standards


  • Use rem instead of px values

  • Use variables for contextual values, rather than magic numbers

  • Order similar components together



Common Standards

  • EditorConfig - When added to your code editor, it will automatically configure newline, tab/space, and whitespace fixes for your project.

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