Development Environment


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Choose one of the following development environments....

Drupal VM Kalamuna Edition 

Once installed, download the site you would like to work on.


  1. Sping up the panthoen kalablog2 site with
    kbox create pantheon
  2.  After it is finished, open the /config/nginx/drupal8.conf
  3. Change all /code to /code/web, save & exit.
  4. Go into the instance
    cd ~/Kalabox/kalablog2/code
  5. Now rebuild it
    kbox rebuild && kbox start
  6. Set up the site with Composer
    kbox composer install
  7. Build the styleguide with Node
    kbox npm install

Docker Compose

  1. Set up the site with Composer
    docker-compose run php composer install

  2. Build the styleguide with Node
    docker-compose run node npm install

  3. Start the web server:
    docker-compose up

  4. Visit http://localhost:8000/

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