1. Build a Solr powered Kalabox
A. Updating an existing Kalastack to include Solr
If you previously tried to build the box, just halt the box:
$ vagrant halt
Uncomment "include solr" in manifests/site.pp
# initialize bonus shit include solr include drush include phpmyadmin include webgrind
build the box with the new, local definition:
$ export KALABOX_DEV=TRUE $ vagrant up $ unset KALABOX_DEV
B. Building for the first time
Kalastack requires Vagrant 1.1.2 and VirtualBox 4.28 to be run correctly. Before you begin please download both.
Once you have downloaded and installed both Vagrant and Virtual box, you can build out the complete stack:
$ cd ~/kalastack $ git clone git://github.com/kalamuna/kalastack.git ./ $ vagrant box add kalabox http://files.vagrantup.com/precise64.box
(or download and expand the latest 2.x tarball from https://github.com/kalamuna/kalastack/tags)
$ vagrant plugin install vagrant-hostsupdater $ vagrant plugin install vagrant-vbguest $ vagrant up
Uncomment "include solr" in manifests/site.pp
# initialize bonus shit include solr include drush include phpmyadmin include webgrind
build the box with local puppet definitions
$ export KALABOX_DEV=TRUE $ vagrant up $ unset KALABOX_DEV
2. Test
To ssh into your server, from within ~/kalastack, issue:
$ vagrant ssh
You should now be able to hit the solr admin page at http://solr.kala:8983/solr/admin/ if your /etc/hosts file is set up to point to solr.kala solr.
To get up and running on Pantheon integration, visit this github documentation.
3. Point drupal to your local solr search environment
Kalabox provides us with a local solr instance. This is awesome. You'll initially need to set up your site to connect to this instance instead of Pantheon's.
To use our local configuration, you may need to disable the connection to Patheon's solr instance for each solr-enabled site, though kalastack 2.x should turn this off for you when you pull the DB down.
$ drush -y dis pantheon_api
Now, we must set the server to use our localhost and enable it at /admin/config/search/search_api/
We find the index ID of the solr index (4 here, but the number may differ for you)
$ drush search-api-status Id Index % Complete Indexed Total 4 my custom index 0% 0 1597
now we re-index the site, specifying the solr index ID (4), and the number of items to index (2000)
$ drush search-api-index 4 2000
and verify our index status for completeness
$ drush search-api-status Id Index % Complete Indexed Total 4 my custom index 100% 1597 1597