GitHub Actions is a continuous integration system provided by GitHub. We use GitHub Actions to deploy many sites to our hosting environments.
The following is a GitHub Actions definition file that will deploy from GitHub to Pantheon for each branch. If you push to a gbz-123
branch on GitHub, it will deploy to the gbz-123
branch on Pantheon. If you push to the master
branch on GitHub, it will push to the master
branch on Pantheon (the DEV environment). The script uses Kalamuna’s Organizational Secrets and Variables to handle the SSH keys and configuration so that future SSH key updates are made easily. This works for both Pantheon and Acquia.
In order to set it up…
Add a Repository Variable in your repository settings at named
that points to which git repository you would like it to push toGet this URL by looking at the Pantheon Dashboard, and clicking on the Connection Info button.
For example:
Copy the following YAML script to .github/workflows/build-and-deploy.yml
# Kalamuna GitHub Actions Deployment # # This will deploy from GitHub to a git repository through GitHub Actions. # # 1. Add a DEPLOY_REPO variable to your GitHub Actions variables # # # 2. Add this build-and-deploy.yml file to a .github/workflows folder # # 3. Ensure all build steps are represented name: Build and Deploy on: push # TODO: Avoid pushing Pantheon repo bloat by only pushing branches if they have a pull request, or branches that are like GBZ-1234. jobs: build: runs-on: ubuntu-latest steps: # Verify the DEPLOY_REPO Repository variable exists - name: Verify DEPLOY_REPO if: "${{ vars.DEPLOY_REPO == '' }}" run: echo "Add a DEPLOY_REPO Repository Variable at$GITHUB_REPOSITORY/settings/variables/actions for where to deploy to." && exit 1 - name: Checkout uses: actions/checkout@v3 with: fetch-depth: 0 # Running PHP and Composer is only required when it's not Pantheon. # - name: PHP # uses: shivammathur/setup-php@v2 # with: # php-version: "8.1.11" # - name: Composer # uses: ramsey/composer-install@v2 # with: # composer-options: "--prefer-dist --ignore-platform-reqs" # TODO: Add Terminus integration? # Node.js steps not needed on Pantheon. # TODO: Automate determining whether the site is Pantheon? - name: Node.js - Check if Required id: nodejsrequired uses: andstor/file-existence-action@v2 with: files: "package.json" - name: Node.js - Configure uses: actions/setup-node@v3 if: steps.nodejsrequired.outputs.files_exists == 'true' with: node-version: 16 cache: 'npm' cache-dependency-path: package-lock.json - name: Node.js - Install run: npm ci if: steps.nodejsrequired.outputs.files_exists == 'true' - name: Node.js - Test run: npm test if: steps.nodejsrequired.outputs.files_exists == 'true' - name: Commit run: | git config --global "${{ vars.KALABOT_GIT_NAME }}" git config --global "${{ vars.KALABOT_GIT_EMAIL }}" rm .gitignore mv .gitignore-deploy .gitignore find web -type d -name .git -print0|xargs -0 rm -rf find docroot -type d -name .git -print0|xargs -0 rm -rf git add . git commit -m "Built $GITHUB_REPOSITORY from: $GITHUB_SHA All code changes should be committed to:$GITHUB_REPOSITORY Any commits made directly to this Pantheon repository will be overwritten." - name: Configure SSH uses: shimataro/ssh-key-action@v2 with: key: ${{ secrets.KALABOT_SSH_KEY }} config: ${{ vars.KALABOT_SSH_CONFIG }} known_hosts: unnecessary - name: Deploy env: deploy_repo: '${{ vars.DEPLOY_REPO }}' run: | git remote add deploy $deploy_repo git push --force deploy HEAD:refs/heads/${GITHUB_REF##*/}
Deploy Tags in New Relic
The following sites are actively using this…
For WordPress sites, you can use the GitHub Actions WordPress script over at Deploying WordPress to WP Engine with GitHub Actions