Once upon a time, comic sans was the most exciting font on the web. No longer.
Procuring Fonts
TODO: licensing, purchasing model
- fonts.com (have a Stanadard account there)
- fontdeck.com
- typekit.com (Adobe)
- linotype.com
Using Web Fonts
how we do this in Drupal
self-hosting vs 3rd party CDN
Using a module vs hardcoding in styles.
Web fonts in email
via http://templates.mailchimp.com/design/typography/
While web fonts may be common in traditional website design, in the world of HTML email, they’re experimental at best. If you want to work on the ragged edge of email technology, however, you do have a few options. A (really) small number of email clients support the @import* CSS at-rule, which allows the use of web fonts provided through services like Google Web Fonts or Fontdeck.
Outlook2000 (crazy, we know)
iOS Mail
Apple Mail
Android (default client, not Gmail)
Note: @font-face and <link> really only work on Apple desktop and mobile clients.