General Overview

There are a lot of good articles out there that can help you with this.  This is more of specific examples on how to do it between 2 localhosts.

Some references:

Preparing for an Upgrade (READ FIRST)

Upgrade using the UI

Upgrade Using Drush

Drush Migrate Commands

UI Based Migration

Simple, but will write this up later. In the interim: check that out

Migrating with Drush

You will need a few extra modules to get started with this route: Migrate ToolsMigrate Upgrade & Migrate Plus

Double check if you need any special modules for your content as mentioned in the Preparing for an Upgrade link above.


Currently can't enable Migrate Upgrade module - see issue:

Drupal VM

  1. Download & setup both the D7 and the D8 sites
  2. Enable the migrate, migrate tools, migrate upgrade & migrate plus modules in the D8 site
  3. In the D8 site run this

    drush migrate-upgrade --legacy-db-url=mysql://drupal:drupal@localhost/D7SITE_drupalvm --legacy-root=http://D7SITE.dvm --configure-only
    drush migrate-status
  4. You will see a list of all the items queued for migration.  You can either migrate them all or pick and chose.
    1. You can migrate all of the items with:

      drush migrate-import --all 
    2. OR you can be more granular and migrate only certain items:

      drush migrate-import {migration name} 
      drush migrate-import upgrade_d7_menu
      drush migrate-import upgrade_d7_node_news
      1. NOTE: it will tell you what other items you need to migrate with that singular migration peice when you try to import it.

Custom Migrations

Use this option if you need to be more granular in your migration.  You can also use this to change the names of items, etc.  There are a lot of great resources out there on how to do super duper custom configs.  This is just a simple example.

Drupal VM

  1. Download & setup both the D7 and the D8 sites