General Overview

There are a lot of good articles out there that can help you with this.  This is more of specific examples on how to do it between 2 localhosts.

Some references:

Preparing for an Upgrade (READ FIRST)

Upgrade using the UI

Upgrade Using Drush

Drush Migrate Commands

UI Based Migration

Simple, but will write this up later. In the interim: check that out

Migrating with Drush

You will need a few extra modules to get started with this route: Migrate ToolsMigrate Upgrade & Migrate Plus

Double check if you need any special modules for your content as mentioned in the Preparing for an Upgrade link above.


Currently can't enable Migrate Upgrade module - see issue:

Drupal VM

  1. Download & setup both the D7 and the D8 sites
  2. Enable the migrate, migrate tools, migrate upgrade & migrate plus modules in the D8 site
  3. In the D8 site run this

    drush migrate-upgrade --legacy-db-url=mysql://drupal:drupal@localhost/D7SITE_drupalvm --legacy-root=http://D7SITE.dvm --configure-only
    drush migrate-status
  4. You will see a list of all the items queued for migration.  You can either migrate them all or pick and chose.
    1. You can migrate all of the items with:

      drush migrate-import --all 
    2. OR you can be more granular and migrate only certain items:

      drush migrate-import {migration name} 
      drush migrate-import upgrade_d7_menu
      drush migrate-import upgrade_d7_node_news
      1. NOTE: it will tell you what other items you need to migrate with that singular migration peice when you try to import it.

Custom Migrations