AKA Restoring Drupal 7's 'menu tail' functionality

Drupal 7 had this built-in, but the decision was made not to include it in modern Drupal.  see: https://www.drupal.org/node/1827544 

The following StackExchange explains how to achieve this if you would like to catch all parameters that fall below a particular path using the InboundPathProcessorInterface


Step-by-step guide

  1. Add a file at mymodule/src/PathProcessor with the following code: 

    namespace Drupal\mymodule\PathProcessor;
    use Drupal\Core\PathProcessor\InboundPathProcessorInterface;
    use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Request;
    class HelloPathProcessor implements InboundPathProcessorInterface {
      public function processInbound($path, Request $request) {
        if (strpos($path, '/hello/') === 0) {
          $names = preg_replace('|^\/hello\/|', '', $path);
          $names = str_replace('/',':', $names);
          return "/hello/$names";
        return $path;

  2. Register the class as a service in mymodule.services.yml

This turns everything after '/hello/' in the URL into a colon-separated string so that the dynamic route we registered at '/hello/{names}' gets fired. From there we can split the additional parameters, and use them as needed. This seems like a bit of a kludge but it's handy functionality sometimes and it's been a 'Drupalism' for some time now.

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