Setting up a Wordpress instance Locally with Local.
Create the project in local by selecting 'Add Local Site'
Once the site is created, clone the project via git
Now we must symlink the repos together. In my case, I cloned my repo to
so a symlink for a default Local install looks like this:ln -s ~/Documents/repos/aptp/wordpress/ /Users/colegeerts/Local\ Sites/aptp/app
Download the Database
Conduct a find and replace for the base url of the application. In my case I use sed, so I invoke a command that looks like:
sed -i 's/https:\/\/aptp\.com/http:\/\/aptp\.local/g' wordpress.sql
This command will look different based on the URL you want to swap. Basically we should be swapping the live url for the Local one
Import the site via adminer on the Database tab.