Versions Compared


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  1. Download & setup both the D7 and the D8 sites.
  2. Do the following in your terminal on your D8 site (change our YOUR-MODULE as need be):

    Code Block
    vagrant@dvm:/var/www/YOUR-SITE/web$ drupal gm
     // Welcome to the Drupal module generator
     Enter the new module name:
     > YOUR-MODULE Migrate
     Enter the module machine name [YOUR-MODULE_migrate]:
     Enter the module Path [/modules/custom]:
     Enter module description [My Awesome Module]:
     > The Migrate Template for YOUR-MODULE
     Enter package name [Custom]:
     Enter Drupal Core version [8.x]:
     Do you want to generate a .module file (yes/no) [yes]:
     > no
     Define module as feature (yes/no) [no]:
     Do you want to add a composer.json file to your module (yes/no) [yes]:
     Would you like to add module dependencies (yes/no) [no]:
     > yes
     Module dependencies separated by commas (i.e. context, panels):
     > migrate_drupal, migrate_plus, migrate_tools, migrate_upgrade
     Do you want to generate a unit test class (yes/no) [yes]:
     > no
     Do you want to generate a themeable template (yes/no) [yes]:
     > no
     Do you confirm generation? (yes/no) [yes]:
     > yes
    Generated or updated files
     1 - /var/www/YOUR-SITE/web/modules/custom/YOUR-MODULE_migrate/
     2 - /var/www/YOUR-SITE/web/modules/custom/YOUR-MODULE_migrate/composer.json
  3. Run this in the D8 site:

    Code Block
    drush migrate-upgrade --legacy-db-url=mysql://drupal:drupal@localhost/D7SITE_drupalvm --legacy-root=http://D7SITE.dvm --configure-only
    drush config-export --destination=/tmp/migrate
  4. In the YOUR-MODULE_migrate module we created above, add a config/install folder.
  5. Run this:

    Code Block
    cp /tmp/migrate/migrate_plus.migration.* /path/to/YOUR-MODULE_migrate/config/install
    cd /path/to/YOUR-MODULE_migrate/config/install
    rename s/"migrate_plus"/"YOUR-MODULE_migrate"/g *
  6. Then you can go through and remove the yml files you don't need.  Careful though, read the required dependencies at the bottom of each yml file.
  7. Wipe and re-install your D8 site and you should only have the config you specified in the module now.
    1. Use drush migrate-status to check