Spinning Up Sites
We are now set up for domination with Pantheon One. Take heed of the new differences:
- Create a site within the Kalamuna organization
- URLS will now be suffixed in the following form *.at.kalamuna.com as opposed to *.getpantheon.comWhen you spin up a new site use Kalamuna Launchpad Quick Start as your
- Currently use Panopoly as your starting distribution and upstream.
- In the future, we'll use HotSauce! as our start state. This is linked to our new canonical upstream: https://github.com/kalamuna/drops-7 which is basically just
- an out-of-date Panopoly plus Kalatheme 3.x at this point. Eventually this will turn into
- a magical distro.
Useful Tips
Contributing to Pantheon One upstream repos